About Us

TSIBA Business School, registered as TSIBA Education NPC is a not-for-profit accredited higher education institution which provides fully-funded tertiary education to talented and ambitious students from at-risk communities in South Africa. At TSIBA, undergraduate students pay only what they can afford, completely removing any financial barriers to quality tertiary education, and pay no fees whatsoever where household income is less than ZAR350 000 per annum. 


TSIBA works to transition talented young people from unemployability into active economic citizenship through access to quality business education and leadership development, an aim which we believe is paramount given the massive levels of youth unemployability in South Africa. 


Since inception in 2004 we have provided over 6000 annual tuition scholarships to students who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to access and complete tertiary studies with a relevant and accredited business qualification. This level of financial assistance is made possible through empowerment and philanthropic partnerships TSIBA has with organisations sharing a commitment to transformation and youth development in South Africa.



At TSIBA, students can study towards a business degree, a business certificate or short business course - all of which will prepare students to have a profound impact on the world and their future. 


We believe in providing our students with the most diverse, world-class and rewarding business education possible. Generous tuition scholarships for TSIBA degree students ensure that students contribute towards their tuition at relative levels of affordability. Financial constraints to tertiary education do not exist here.





TSiBA Education NPC and the TSiBA Education Trust present as legitimate, high impact Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment partners, with significant impact to deserving beneficiaries from poor communities. We welcome discussions around your B-BBEE partnership needs and expanding our impact in tertiary education.


B-BBEE Ownership : TSiBA Education Trust

The TSiBA Education Trust was created with the primary objective of building an endowment to secure the long-term financial sustainability of TSiBA Education NPC and its beneficiaries.



To achieve this goal, the Trust is focused on establishing a select number of mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with both enterprises and individuals alike.




The Trust is positioned as a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Partner of choice for companies seeking empowerment partners in accordance with the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, no 53 of 2003 and the revised 2013 Codes of Good Practice (hence referred to as the Codes).

The named beneficiary of the Trust is TSiBA Education NPC, an association incorporated under section 21 of the Company’s Act (Reg. no 2004/005126/08). The Deed of Trust stipulates that all economic benefit derived in the entity shall be utilised solely for the benefit of the black students of the school, pursuant to the Codes on B-BBEE. Accordingly, the Trust qualifies as a “black entity” in terms of the Codes.

Skills Development: TSiBA : Scholarship Programmes

In the revised Codes the definition of beneficiaries in the Skills Development element has been expanded from employees to include expenditure more broadly on “unemployed black” people.


Since TSiBA is a registered and accredited education institution, and our student beneficiaries are both unemployed and black as defined by the revised codes, all tuition scholarships or bursaries for TSiBA students now qualify for Skills Development expenditure – and may be channeled via tuition scholarship funding to TSiBA.



Scholarship Programme partners invest directly in the education of deserving South African youth and have the opportunity to build a personal and professional relationship with their beneficiaries as mentors. Thus, in addition to the funding benefits, scholarship partners enjoy access to TSiBA’s BBA degree students on internships and TSiBA graduates following completion of their degree. In this way TSiBA’s Scholarship Programme directly supports the process of attracting talented equity candidates into partner enterprises.

Enterprise & Supplier Development : TSiBA Ignition Centres

Operating in parallel, and in support, of our educational offerings TSiBA provides a range of Enterprise and Supplier Development Programmes to micro, small and medium sized businesses. These programmes are supported through TSiBA’s Ignition Centres which are recognised 3rd party providers of Enterprise and Supplier Development services across the Western and Southern Cape.

TSiBA has developed a unique Enterprise & Supplier Development Model to assist local businesses to earn their B-BBEE scorecard points while at the same time ensuring that the development spirit of the legislation is upheld with integrity. The programmes are accredited and targeted at both emerging and existing entrepreneurs with the purpose of preparing them to access the procurement pipelines of big business.

Socio-Economic Development (SED) : TSiBA SED Partners

To date TSiBA has awarded more than 4000 annual tuition scholarships to students who would otherwise have been unable to access higher education – a record we remain extremely proud of. With a postgraduate employment rate of over 95% we have also proved that TSiBA produces excellent graduates. In support of this work, it is imperative that we secure and maintain stable long-term funding relationships. Such relationships not only enhance TSiBA’s operational capability but also enable us to continue to grow an educational offering uniquely designed to address the challenges and opportunities of the South Africa context.

To this end, we extend an invitation to Socio-Economic Development (CSI) partners searching for a proven, well established and high impact development programme. TSiBA Socio-Economic Development partners play a direct role in transforming the lives of not only hundreds of first generation tertiary education entrants, but also the communities in which they live.

Broad-Based Management Control & Employment Equity : TSiBA Career Centre & Education Solutions

Following the success and impact of our academic programmes for over a decade, TSiBA now offers professional commercial services which leverage our intellectual property and experience to capacitate and enhance the human asset resources of our partner enterprises. Our professional offerings include:

  • TSiBA Education Solutions - offers creditbearing TSiBA programmes for organisational skills assessment,business training and leadership development.
  • TSiBA Career Centre - is a registered recruitment enterprise sourcing business graduates and professionals across all levels and employment equity profiles.



Give To Tsiba

Give to TSIBA


When you give to TSIBA, you invest directly in the future of young people, the next generation of business leaders and those who will take South Africa forward.


Investments in education have an incredible multiplier effect, providing returns for generations and a profound and direct  impact on our students, their families and their communities.

Thank you for your generosity.


TSIBA Business School Recruitment Drive

TSIBA develops ambitious, Purpose-Lived graduates who are invested in building South Africa. TSIBA’s mission is to invest in purpose-driven young people to active economic citizenship and who will lead social change in our country.

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TSIBA Business School - FC Kapstadt Collaboration

TSIBA Business School and FC Kapstadt soccer club are excited to announce a unique collaboration in holistic youth development.

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TSIBA Business School introduces Part-Time Studies

The option of Part-Time Studies for the TSIBA Business School Higher Certificate And Bachelor of Business Administration degree qualifications will be available to students wishing to study at TSIBA from 2023.

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First Semester Review 2022

On behalf of all at TSIBA it gives me great pleasure to share with you the First Semester Review of 2022.

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TSIBA lays roots for the future to kick-start Arbor Week

“The true meaning of life is to plant a tree under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” (Scottish rugby player, Nelson Henderson)

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'Home, a haven for nurturing; a place for engagement; a space for learning and discovery'

'Halala' TSIBA! It is with great pleasure to announce the 'breaking' news of TSIBA Education NPC reaching another significant milestone in its education journey; that of purchasing its own campus!

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‘Manning up’ towards less Toxic Masculinity

Education is about more than facts and figures. Ideally, education should provide the ‘toolkit’ for a graduate to earn a living, cope with the challenges of life, and be a productive member of society.

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Tsiba Ignition Academy welcomed to RCS Level up "inspirator programme

In 2022, record-high unemployment has made job creation a national imperative – one that should be foremost in the minds of business and state leaders in South Africa.

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Re-Imagining South Africa's Sustainability through TSIBA

SA, with its majestic mountains, bountiful nature reserves, world-class technology, globally recognised knowledge institutions and progressive Constitution, is also home to pervasive unemployment and grinding poverty as reflected in the highest Gini.

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PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair

Since its inception in 2004, TSIBA Business School, based in Woodstock, Cape Town has worked to enable social justice and a bright future for young people.

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Purpose-Lived - Elixir to a Meaningful Life!

What is the value of one’s heart beat? What is the meaning of life? Do I matter? These are existential questions that people increasingly reflect on in light of the covid pandemic and the rising number of existential threats facing humanity.

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TSIBA salutes the students at their Annual Graduation Ceremony

The highlight at TSIBA Business School every year is the Annual Graduation Ceremony. This year, TSIBA Graduation takes place on 26 March at the TSIBA campus in Woodstock, Cape Town.

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TSIBA women leader’s integral in uplifting SA Youth

Historically TSIBA has always had women at the helm of the organisation. TSIBA was founded in 2004 by three woman (and one man), and until last year Professor Fatima Abrahams had held the role of TSIBA Business School Chairperson.

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Tax Year End campaign

When you give to TSIBA, you invest directly in the future of young people, the next generation of business leaders and those who will take South Africa forward.

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As the global health crises began to unfold some weeks back our first responsibility was to protect the health and well-being of students, staff and all other people engaged with TSIBA.

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COVID-19 Update and TSIBA 2019 Annual Report

We are delighted to share with you our 2019 Annual Report.

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TSiBA Education NPC and the TSiBA Education Trust present as legitimate, high impact Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment business entities – and we welcome discussions around your B-BBEE partnership needs.

Since all TSiBA beneficiaries fall within the B-BBEE categories of Black designated groups, TSiBA provides a number of highly effective empowerment channels and services which offer our partners solutions to address each one of the five elements of the Codes of Good Practice.

For more information please contact our Sustainability team on info@tsiba.org.za or call 021 532-2750.


TSIBA Business School

TSIBA Business School, registered as TSIBA Education NPC is a not-for-profit accredited higher education institution which provides fully-funded tertiary education to talented and ambitious students from at-risk communities in South Africa. At TSIBA, undergraduate students pay only what they can afford, completely removing any financial barriers to quality tertiary education, and pay no fees whatsoever where household income is less than ZAR350 000 per annum. 


TSIBA works to transition talented young people from unemployability into active economic citizenship through access to quality business education and leadership development, an aim which we believe is paramount given the massive levels of youth unemployability in South Africa. Since inception in 2004 we have provided over 6000 annual tuition scholarships to students who otherwise would not have had the opportunity to access and complete tertiary studies with a relevant and accredited business qualification. This level of financial assistance is made possible through empowerment and philanthropic partnerships TSIBA has with organisations sharing a commitment to transformation and youth development in South Africa.

TSIBA Education Trust


Ensuring that TSIBA offerings remain inclusive and accessible the TSIBA Education Trust was established in 2007 as a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment entity. The TSIBA Education Trust aims to secure the long-term financial sustainability of TSIBA beneficiaries and the TSIBA collective.

TSIBA Ignition Academy

TSIBA Ignition Academy (Pty) Ltd is a for-profit development academy that specialises in vocational training and business development. The Academy offers high quality, customisable solutions that develop robust business skills in unemployed youth, employees and entrepreneurs. It’s Skills Development and Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) solutions enhance these Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) scorecard elements for organisations across all business sectors. All the Academy’s high-impact interventions aim to close skills gaps, encourage professional development and drive meaningful supply chain transformation.


The TSIBA Ignition Academy (TIA) is wholly owned by the TSIBA Education Trust, has an 82% black ownership rating (BEE Level 2) making it a supplier eligible for enterprise development funding, and is part of the TSIBA Social Enterprise collective.