Youth Development, Gender Violence, Sept. 2, 2020, 5:47 p.m.

Community Keepers aims to shift attitudes and behaviour around Bullying, Harassment and GBV

Author: Community Keepers

Community Keepers has been appointed by the National Development Agency as an implementation partner for the period 2020/21 to roll out a multi-faceted awareness campaign on #bullying and gender-based violence #GBV, targeting schools in the WC.

The #WesternCape has been described as “the most dangerous province for children” with four children murdered per week. In 2019, nearly 37,000 children in the Western Cape were removed from their homes, as their homes were deemed "dangerous due to the prevalence of traumatic events including negligence, abuse and rape."


The campaign aims to shift deep-seated attitudes and behaviours as part of a national effort in the prevention and management of all forms of harassment. Our programme takes a holistic approach including learners, educators, parents and caregivers.  


Collaboration partners include:




Studio Bolland


Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC


During the course of the campaign, all material will be shared and available for free download and free use in other schools, youth clubs and organisations. Organisations who would like to join this initiative can contact Gerrit Laning or Meriel Bartlett on


To read more about the NDA CARA GBVF initiative go to: