All The News, Sustainability, PODCAST, March 31, 2022, 9:34 a.m.

PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair

Author: TSIBA Business School

Since its inception in 2004, TSIBA Business School, based in Woodstock, Cape Town has worked to enable social justice and a bright future for young people.

The institution has done so by providing financial and academic access to high quality business education and with unique education offerings in business and commerce. In addition to the commercial subjects covered within the curriculum, the  prominence of leadership and  the discovery of purpose are defining features which make the TSIBA learning journey quite unique. 


For this institution, the provision of access to education is a critical intervention in the development of young people, but it is also an entry point only. Inside TSIBA, their approach is to hold education as a catalyst for the best of what people can be. The core subjects which underpin excellent business education are necessary and provided in full here. But they are not sufficient.

TSIBA goes beyond by placing attitude and purpose driven leadership as credit-bearing subjects at the heart of all of our curricula. All graduates of TSIBA have deeply explored the questions of what is my work? what is success? and how do I add value?. These are the questions we all must answer. The answers build each of our own unique stories and they build our citizenship. When this is achieved the outcomes are profound, especially in the communities where TSIBA proudly has its roots.


The recent launch of its podcast series, PURPOSE_LIVED, in conversation with TSIBA Co-Founder and Chairperson, Gia Whitehead underpins the broad TSIBA philosophy towards education.   The  theme of PURPOSE-LIVED has always driven TSIBA’s work and their approach to education. Living with purpose, the discovery of our own unique purpose journey, and doing so for the collective is what TSIBA believes people are not only capable of but what makes us fully human - as committed and caring  family, community and  global citizens.    

The launch of the PURPOSE-LIVED podcast series has been accompanied by an article entitled ‘Purpose-Lived - Elixir to a Meaningful Life!’ penned by Chief Executive Officer Dr Rudi Kimmie. This article can be found on Here


The podcast episodes are wonderfully enlightening conversations between TSIBA Co-Founder and Chairperson Gia Whitehead, and iconic people from various walks of life. They are available free on the TSIBA podcast platform  and on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast.