Support, Social & Community, Aug. 23, 2023, 11:44 a.m.

Taiwanese love – no boundaries SA Red Cross WC

Author: SA Red Cross Society

This year on the 10 August, we, at the SA Red Cross WC were deeply humbled by the donation of 40 tons of rice so desperately needed to help vulnerable communities that we serve.

The Director General Lily Ying-h Chen made the most amazing statement when she said that ‘As a Taiwanese, once we promise, we deliver on it. And this is what I am doing today – to deliver on my promise and to benefit the people in need in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape. Taiwan’s love has no boundaries’ 

The promise that was made on the 13nth September last year and with Taiwan contributing food aid to some 40 countries, their dedication to being of service is remarkable, making their passion and generosity tangible to the needy.

The rice will be shared with various NGOs like Timeless Care for the Aged, Kitchen of Kindness, Where the Rainbows meet and many more. On the day- some of the NGOs present were so overwhelmed, this gesture brought them to tears – tears of gratitude and joy.
And with 8 MP’s present – they too were overwhelmed by this donation as it means that they are now equipped to support their constituents in a very real way. Indeed, Chief Mtoto, Spokesperson of the Royal House of Amaxhosa was thrilled to be taking back this good news to his people.

And so, it was a celebration of love, fulfilled promises and ultimately the epitome of hope. In these tough times – all of us could do with an uplifting story of this nature

As Nelson Mandela said ‘I believe in the end it is kindness and generous accommodation that are the catalysts for real change”. To this end, because of this incredible gesture from the Taiwanese it will holistically embrace change in a multi-faceted way!