Two Christel House SA fencing students need donations to represent SA in global competition
Two fencing students who attend non-profit school, Christel House South Africa, will be representing South Africa at the Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2022, taking place in London, England from 9–20 August 2022.
The two national fencers, Aliziwe M. from Phumlani and Taryn M. from Hanover Park are both in Grade 11. With some help from their coach, they’ve started a fundraiser to help them to get to the competition.
Christel House SA is a non-profit school that provides no-fee scholarships to 1000+ students from the Cape Flats. The school’s mission is to help graduates achieve upward economic mobility, demonstrate good citizenship, and are empowered to identify and realize their goals, dreams, and human potential. Sport and other extra-curricular activities like music, robotics, coding and droning forms a key part of the school’s holistic education model.
Since established in 2001, Christel House has had a long history of producing national fencers and students often finish within the top five positions at national ranking competitions.
Aliziwe and Taryn, the students who will be competing in England this year, reside in communities where the youth face very challenging socio-economic circumstances. Both students have chosen to take advantage of the opportunities provided to them by Christel House and to work hard to achieve their goals. The fencing team practices four times a week and competed in national tournaments around the country in order to qualify for the Commonwealth Fencing Championships 2022. Both students are extremely enthusiastic about competing at international level and traveling abroad for the first time.
Aliziwe says, “I’m scared of flying but very excited to travel overseas. I can’t thank Mr Randall, our fencing coach, enough for helping to get us at this point. He knows what we are capable of and always wants us to do our best.”
“I feel so many emotions at the same time. I’m scared, nervous but mostly excited. It will be my first time travelling overseas and I can’t wait to start this journey,” says Taryn.
Christel House SA's Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD) and Technology teacher, Mr Randall Daniels, started the fencing team in 2006 and has coached numerous students over the years, including 15 who received their South African national colours. Mr Randall was an avid fencer himself and had his provincial colours in the sport. Mr Randall says that he coaches the fencing team to give back but also because he enjoys it. “I am so excited that we are able to participate at competition level again. The last time we had a chance to show our skills was January 2020, due to Covid. We are going all out with our training programme, exposing our students to other clubs and participating in local and national competitions. I’m so proud of our students and I know they will be ready to compete at international level,” says Mr. Randall Daniels.
Two alumni have done exceptionally well in fencing - Wanda M. represented South Africa and competed in the Olympics in 2010 and Kesia M. was ranked number one in South Africa in 2017.
To donate to their fundraising drive, visit